Episcopal churches in Baguio have been the receiving and pick up points for truckloads of vegetables donated by farmers recently. The latter’s generosity and concern for their fellow citizens have earned well-deserved commendations especially at this time when peoples’ incomes have been adversely affected by the economic downturn. For some farmers, however, giving away their vegetable produce or letting them rot in the gardens to serve as fertilizers is an act of frustration and even spite at the market forces that dictate prices and which saw carrots priced at a measly three pesos per kilo, way below production costs. This is the predicament of vegetable farmers in Bebe and Sengyew in Bauko, Mountain Province who earlier foresaw the usual high demand for carrots during the summer months due to graduation, wedding, family reunion and other celebrations during the period. With the ban on mass gatherings, however, the demand for this root crop nosedived and the farmers in these communities were staring at huge losses, which coupled with the absence of por dia and other possible sources of income, would bring them to near starvation and indebtedness. Holy Innocents Episcopal Church, in behalf of their members in Bebe, appealed for assistance and the Episcopal CARE Foundation responded by initially purchasing two truckloads of vegetables, mostly carrots, at prices that enabled the farmers not only to break even but to net income. Through Dr. Arlene M. Sagayo, these vegetables were brought by trucks of the Department of Agriculture – Cordillera Administrative Region at very minimal costs to Quezon City and Tabuk City where they are now being sold by E-CARE stores and offices as well as other Episcopal congregations. The Foundation now expresses gratitude to the DA-CAR as well as the to the buyers who are now responding to the appeal to help each other at this time. This is the E-CARE Way!